Stringy pink discharge


Ok some help please LOL. I’ve just came off the iud after 26 days of bleeding/spotting and getting BV (never again!!!) so I’m getting back into this whole natural tracking. On the 15th i went to my first appt after removal and had a cyst on my right ovary (5cm) but dr said it was normal. Ok so since then I’ve had a full ache on my right side I’m guessing from ovary cyst. Wasn’t unbearable and I think i only noticed just from being fully aware these past few months with all these changes that came with the iud.... but my problem comes in that today while out I had like two stringy pieces of pinkish discharge and when wiping it was also pink but didn’t look like strings of thick mucus just regular whitish pink. I’ve finished my antibiotics for BV but was wondering if that was what it could have possibly came from? I have no way of knowing when my cycle is due since the 26 days of bleeding was just last month. Anybody ever had stringy non-gummy mucus discharge...