PCOS worse after baby


Hi friends,

Have any of you experienced your PCOS symptoms getting worse after having a baby?

I didn't know I had PCOS. It took a year and a half of trying to get pregnant and I finally did after an HSG Xray. On a postpartum ultrasound, they discovered I have PCOS. Since giving birth 10 months ago, my periods have gotten SO painful. My mood swings are awful. I feel insane the week before my period and in extreme pain during as well. I've read that PCOS can get worse after you have a baby, and that's definitely been the case for me because it never even showed up on an ultrasound my entire pregnancy, not until after (and the tech showed me my ovaries, they were covered in a ring of cysts which had never shown up before).

It's a drag. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if anyone has any advice.
