Concerned about these tests


My son just turned 4 last week, and we’ve been TTC for almost 2 years. Since Aug 2019, I’ve had a MMC at 10 weeks, a chemical, and possibly going through another chemical. We have an appt to talk to a fertility doc next month, but I had several positive pregnancy tests last week. I had a blood draw yesterday, and getting another tomorrow, but I haven’t heard anything back from my doc yet.

I took another test this morning (a cheapie) and it was barely visible. I’ve had quite a few pregnancy symptoms, but today not so much. As you can see, my tests got darker, but now it’s very light. I had already peed 2 or 3 times before I took the test, so it wasn’t my first morning urine. I’m scared of losing this pregnancy too, but that’s probably what’s happening. When I had my chemical last year, I never got first response as dark as this one…I’m 6 days late and not bleeding yet, but I don’t know what to think.