To transfer 1 or 2


Have been going through the infertility journey for many years now. Medicated 1 yr with my OB and then transferred to RE for the last 2 yrs. Multiple IUIs. Tried <a href="">IVF</a> in September but had to convert to <a href="">IUI</a> because only a few follicles which resulted in a Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy which I lost my last tube. Other one was removed years before. And then ectopic in 2015 but they tried to save the tube. Which then was removed sept 2020. December 2020 we were able to retrieve 12 mature eggs 9 fertilized. We were suppose to do a fresh transfer so never did testing but hormones didn’t line up and we had to freeze all. February we were finally able to do a frozen transfer with 1 already hatching embryo! RE said it looked text book perfect but unfortunately a few weeks in I miscarried. RE stated genetic issue probably. Now here we are trying a transfer again for May 17-21 no exact date yet. So here is my issue I’m having a hard time with.... December she stated we could transfer 2 for our fresh well that didn’t work out the way we hoped. February again we wanted to transfer 2 but it was stated that the 1 that was going to be transferred was perfect and if it didn’t work we could do 2 the next time. Well next time is here and she’s advising only transferring 1 again and if it doesn’t work.. thawing what is left testing them re-freezing and go from there. Thoughts? My emotions are all over the place and I’ve cried multiple times today because I feel like the few people I’ve talked to are just well you can try again.. like ummm it’s not your money being spent so sure of course they would say you could try again.