Positive then negative.

Annie • Proud Mama of👼Grace and 👶 Annastasia and Athanasios

Hi ladies,

I tested yesterday, FMU in-stream, at 11dpo and get a faint line within 3 mins (photo below). I tested again today, 12dpo, FMU in-cup in hope to see a darker line. But I get nothing but a control line. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. The test today didn’t have any indent or anything. Which makes me think yesterday one shouldn’t be an indent.

I had the same problem last month with the Clear Blue, and thought it was an evap line. But now it’s happening again.

Did this happen to anyone and you still later on pregnant?

I’m so sad and confused right now. 😭😭💔💔