Crazy delivery!


Hi all, just wanted to post a complicated birth with a happy ending.

I started having contractions at 11am on Apr 17, 11 days before due date. My water broke at 10:30 that evening and when we got to hospital at 11 I was dilated to 6 cm. I got an epidural but it didn’t work, so I had to get a second one. I started pushing at 5 am and my son was born 4 hours later! I got an infection from my water breaking, so my sons heart rate was very high, son had shoulder dystocia, and the cord was wrapped around his neck and body. They had to resuscitate him and then whisked him away to NICU while I was getting stitched for 3rd degree tearing. He wasn’t responding as well as they hoped so they sent him to Boston Children’s for observation. I held him for 30 min before they sent him in the ambulance. Fortunately, the bumpy ride woke him right up and was trying to pull breathing tube out before they got there. He had 3 more nights in NICU and finally brought him home at 5 days old. I also had to have a catheter in for a week bc of the extended pushing. It was the hardest thing I ever have done, but I am so thankful that everything worked out and that my boy is healthy and happy. Welcome to the world Colin!

I hope this helps anyone else who has had a complicated delivery :)