Off topic personal conflict


Hey ladies, currently expecting #2 in August with an almost 2 year old. Times have been really tough since Covid began and now i'm at a crossroads. I'm a SAHM and my husband was furloughed a few months back with no work in sight for who knows how long amd unemployment doesn't pay all the bills and my savings is shrinking.

I've decided to sell things I have around the house for a few extra bucks and am considering selling an old piece of jewelry I have, a vintage wedding set that belonged to my great grandmother. I never met her and she was married 5 times but i'm still struggling to just sell it. I want to be able to buy my son gifts and clothes for his birthday and buy the things for my new baby and help with my doctor bills but it is a hard decision because I don't have much from family.

What would you ladies do in this position?