Sad/Down/Pissed off!!

Chana • Mom to 4 awesome girls.. Hannah 4.17.01, Kyiah 8.12.03, Ciarrah 10.6.04, Selena 5.10.16 💓🎀🍼
I've been with my child's father for a year. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and waited almost 11 years to have another child. In the beginning, things were great but as time went on it become obvious that he wasn't over his ex gf. He lied this whole time saying he loved me and didn't want her.. lo and behold she pops up pregnant. I forgave him and took him back and that's where I guess my life began to fall apart. Ever since then it's been a living hell and at the end of the day I've been the one looking stupid and hurt all the time. We lived together for 5 months and during that whole time things appeared to be great. We did everything together, went to counseling weekly, and planned to work things out. All of a sudden on my freaking birthday, the ex calls me and starts harassing me AGAIN.. And a week later I find out that he told her he loved her days before my birthday, and was stopping by visiting her on his way to work. Yeah, I know I've been an idiot.. But I wanted to do what was best for my baby and try to hang in there. I have a child whose father isn't active in her life, and I didn't want to repeat that same pattern. After reading what he sent her, my heart died and I can't change how I feel now. He's wanted to work things out but.. We have no trust and why work anything out when he just runs back to her. She's due any day now, my nerves are shot, and yes we just broke up again for like the hundredth time and I'm sure he's with her again. I just needed to vent and get everything out. I'm hurting and ready to be over him and worry about me and the baby. Prayers appreciated.