Does anyone else feel this way ?

Shelbie • 02.03.2020👼🏻 04.28.2021🌈💖03.14.2023💙 04.03.2024💙

I’m 1 week and 1 day postpartum, I love being a mama and having my baby here and I’m so grateful and thankful. I just miss pregnancy SOOOOOOO bad like even though I tried to soak in every moment, I feel like I took it for granted and even though there were days where I literally only sat on the couch holding my belly I feel like it went by so fast and I want it back. I absolutely had the DREAM labour and delivery, I started getting contractions on the night of my due date, then the next day my fiancé went to work and I worked on the nursery while having contractions all day and then when they got bad I called my midwife and she said that because I was able to talk and breathe through them that I should be ok to call back in a couple hours when they are super bad and more consistent. So I did that and a couple hours later I was groaning and actually being vocal through it, I called back and she said that I was still handling it well but we can meet at the hospital and she will check me and then when we were there she said they won’t admit anyone under 4 cm and not to be discouraged if I am not and that it’s ok since I’m a FTM, so it’s to be kinda expected, she checked me and I was 100% effaced and 4 cm dilated exactly. That was at 8:30pm and by midnight I was a 9cm and got my epidural. Then waited a bit and baby was born at 3:40 am. I had the most amazing pregnancy too, I barely had any symptoms. My girl was so good to me. I LOVED my midwives, they were so amazing. I want to do it all over again. I’m tempted to get pregnant again by my 6 week appointment. I want to cry every time I see photos of my bump :( is this just hormones ? When will it go away 😩😭