Anyone else sick of the mom wars??

Victoria • I`m a 34 year old married woman! I`ve been with my hubby for 10 years and we have a beautiful 5 year old little girl and a 2 year old little girl! We’re TTC #3.
Just because I'm choosing to do something that you aren't, doesn't mean I need a lecture, multiple websites telling me why your way is better (because I have just as many saying the opposite I just don't throw them in your face) or to be made to feel inferior or stupid because of it. Yes, I will be breastfeeding (as long as it's possible). Yes, my baby will be co-sleeping (not bed sharing!). Yes I will be wearing my child. And no she won't get a pacifier. Please be kind. And please don't tell me why every choice I make is wrong. I could easily say yours is, but you're a mom just like me, and that's your baby! Let's all just be nice!