Not ready for a relationship?

Hi! So my boyfriend and I have been together for about 7 months and I’m going off to college this summer to start my sophomore year. My boyfriend is 21 and doesn’t attend my uni. He lives 6 hours away by plane and we’re thinking of doing long distance.

...To get to the point, I’m wondering if maybe i’m not ready for a relationship. I’m 18 and have been in 3 relationships including the one i’m in right now. I’ve only had sex with my previous boyfriend and this new one and i’ve never really participated in hookup culture but I’ve always been interested in the idea or at least being single for a bit cause the longest i’ve been single since 10th grade is 6 months so I was planning on not dating in college and kinda participating in hookup culture etc. Now my boyfriend has had like 7 sexual partners and knows that hookup culture isn’t for him and he’s not into that kind of stuff but i know that if I stay with him i’ll always wonder about it and feel like i’m missing out and probably eventually end up resenting him cause i’ll feel like i missed out because of him and eventually end up breaking up. If I want to participate in hookup culture obviously i’m gonna break up w him first and then experience it. If it ends up not being for me i’ll probably always regret breaking up w him over that. I guess i’m just looking for some advice and kind of wondering if maybe i’m not ready for a relationship if i feel like i haven’t had enough “outside experience”