Just wondering

Laura • 2 beautiful boys. East Yorkshire England 💚
I'm so sorry for the long POST but please take time to read and hopefully reply if you experience the same cause my mind is in over drive...:.
Hello, I've had a hard second pregnancy, from 20 weeks... 20w3d I had a major bleed but baby is okay, they said if he was delivered unfortunately there was nothing they could do they wouldn't try and help him breathe etc he was okay just to prepare for the worst... 24w1d I woke up in even more blood roughly 250/300mls of blood, rushed to hospital to find out the sac was bulging and I was 2cm.. Anyway the re examined me at 1pm and surprisingly my cervix had shut!!! I was on close monitoring and went for a scan today on baby and cervix, my cervix is measuring short so I'm starting to efface :/ a normal cervix should be 2.5-4cm mine is at 2cm, my doctors told me that I'm 26 weeks and baby has such a high chance of surviving, BUT he could basically come any day from now, I have to take things easy any pains, nore bleeding or waters breaking I must go straight in.. My question is has anyone else had a short cervix, if so what length? What gestation ? How long after finding out your cervix was short did you deliver and how many weeks were you when you delivered? I really appreciate it