Did you do anything for/with your MIL on Mother's Day?


K, so I must suck. 😬 I didn't do anything for my MIL! My husband took her out to lunch with his brother and I just figured that's the norm. 🤷 I usually get her a MIL card, but this year I didn't see any and I forgot about Mother's Day this year. She got me a little gift for our baby girl due in a couple weeks and I feel bad I didn't get her anything. I feel rude now.

We've also kind of decided that mother's day and father's day would be mostly celebrated with just our little family now and sweet gestures for our own mothers and fathers would be made instead of a whole special day, as last year there was way too much drama created by my MIL on Mother's Day. My parents live an hour away so I actually don't even see them at all on either of those days now because of the drama it caused.