Sleep using Huckleberry


So, I follow the Huckleberry Sweet Spots for my daughter. It works PERFECTLY allll day. She took 3 amazing naps. It projected bedtime to be 7:20, which is in line with what we like (7/7:30). She would NOT go down for bedtime. She does this every single day. Even if she naps great by herself all day, at bedtime she won’t sleep until I lay with her. But if her last nap ends at 5:15-5:30, 9:00 seems like a late bedtime for her.

She has been sleeping from 9-6:30.

Any thoughts?

We will be sleep training as soon as we get the okay from her doctor to drop night feeds (she wakes at 2 and 6 to eat). But, we need to survive until then. 😅