Ivf blood Clot warning


Hi all, not looking to worry people but just wanted to let you know about my blood clot incase it helps everyone.

I'm 10 weeks pregnant, fresh <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> transfer.

A few days ago my neck became sore, not so different as if you sleep awkwardly on the sofa, but as can't have deep heat tried to ignore it, one morning my vein on my left side of my neck hurt, seemed swollen just above my collar bone, but we wondered if it was more muscular tension giving that appearance. The next day I woke up and my left arm was slightly purple.

-I had /have no chest pain, no pain in my arm, my arm wasn't visually swollen or a different temperature

Being pregnant they were reluctant to mri/ct me so ultrasounded my neck n found the clot. So am now on blood thinners n going to be regularly reviewed.

I share as its apparently quite a rare presentation and was sent away be a few medical teams as not being serious, but 1 Dr was insistent on a scan due to how I could pinpoint my neck pain.

They aren't sure why, the perfered theory is my (so called mild) ohss could have caused it - I was very bloated n my ovaries are still very large now with several cysts. It seems clots can occur in the larger vains in upper arms and neck several weeks later.

Luckly it was found and baby and I are fine, but wanted to share incase anyone else thinks this is helpful.

(not saying ohss means ul get a clot, just keep an eye on yourselves) x