2nd Baby birth story


My first baby was born via induction in seven hours with one push. When the week before my induction with number 2 rolled around I had given up on trying to start labor myself. My water broke at 28 weeks 5 days.

Due date: April 13

March 15- 2 cm dilated. 50% effaced. Baby is head down.

March 22- 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced. I’m progressing a little faster with this baby- hoping to make it to the 6th.

March 25- false labor contractions. Not consistent enough. Lost plug. Still 3cm and 60%.

March 29- no change.

April 3- around 1 pm water broke in my car while driving. No contractions.

4/3 2:08 almost to hospital. Only had three minor contractions

4/3 2:49 4 cm 60%

4/3 4:19 not progressing on own. Having irregular contractions. Started Pitocin.

4/3 4:57 Contractions are about 3 min apart. Only about a 5 on a scale of 0-10 on pain scale at peak of contraction.

4/3 5:18 no cervical change

4/3 5:42 Contractions are closer together. I’d guess 2-3 min apart. Pain is at a 6-7 at contraction peak. Starting fluids.

4/3 6:52 epidural done

4/3 7:27 Still a 4. Raising Pitocin. Blood pressure dropped dangerously low so we had to get meds for that and they gave me oxygen. Baby is good though!

4/3 8:36 contractions 2 min apart. This is about the point in time my first had been born so I got frustrated. Told doctor and reminded him I’ve been 4 cm for almost 8 hours. Raised Pitocin

4/3 9:09 5cm 70% effaced. He dropped to a 0 station. Doctor said he gives it 2-3 hours. They put in a balloon to help dilate and gave me a peanut ball. Dr felt hair. Upping Pitocin.

4/3 10:20 Contractions more intense. Increasing Pitocin and epidural because I’m feeling them. (Epidural never took 100%)

4/3 11:00 7 cm

4/3 11:27 my gut says it’s almost time to push. Having to watch my blood pressure and his heart rate. They’re both dropping.

might not increase Pitocin again. Epidural didn’t take completely on right side. Contractions are about 90 sec apart. And hurt on the right side.

4/3 11:59 9.5 cm laboring down and getting room ready

4/5 12:24 feeling pressure in my hips

4/5 12:29 started pushing (3 pushes total)

4/5 12:42 7pounds 2 ounces