I’m so scared!


So I have pcos and I used clomid in 2018 and got pregnant with my daughter who is now two. Well in December of 2019 we started trying again with letrozole for baby number 2 I did 3 rounds and never ovulated so we went back to clomid I did 5 or 6 rounds of it never got pregnant then I took 6 months off any medicine and just continued to try and again never got pregnant well last cycle was my first time back on clomid 100 mg I didn’t get pregnant and we did this cycle with clomid I’m currently waiting on my period because I went into the Er due to some pain in my right side back in between my ribs and butt and it was radiating to my stomach on my right side they did tests on me and found what they called a cyst or a build up of cyst and is 16 cm in size a little more on my left ovary but in the middle of my lower abdomen. Does any one know anything about this. I have never ever had one this big and don’t know what to expect I can’t get into my obgyn until may 21st. Am I going to have to have surgery to remove it. And will I potentially not being able to have anymore kids. I’m so freaking scared.