6 eggs


We had 21 follicles, 14 were big enough for my doctor to be excited about, and we got 6 eggs.

One of my ovaries was hard to reach so he couldn't get to a lot of those follicles. I am so disappointed.

Our first retrieval in 2018 we had over 20 follicles and got 15 eggs, 12 mature, 10 fertilized, 5 embryos, and didn't do testing. The stims were pretty ambitious for this cycle.

Our retrieval in January of this year we had 9 follicles, 9 eggs, 8 mature, 8 fertilized, 5 embryos, and 3 PGS normal. This was a new doctor for us and he was being conservative with the meds.

This cycle he upped our meds to try to bank a few embryos for future cycles and I can't help but feel a little crushed because I'm in pain after the retrieval now and the last 2 I really wasn't in much pain afterward.

Anyone have success stories with only 6 eggs producing viable/normal embryos?