Sleep Problems (Long sorry)


From right around 3 months old, my daughter would scream her head off at naptime, and would only sleep for 30 minutes. At the end of 3 months, we shortened her wake time from 1.5 hours to an hour, and now at 4 months she can go an hour and 15 with a 15min wind down before nap. Anything more and she screams before her nap and won’t go down. Her naps were 1.5 hours long, now they are an hour, but I planned on extending them to an hour and 15 min because she just won’t wake up after an hour and it leads to her sleeping through wake time.

Now, my daughter is 4 months old and wakes up at 1AM and refuses to go to sleep until anywhere from 4-6:30AM. Her wake up time is 7:30 as she wakes up when her dad does for work (we share a room as we live with his parents). This only started after she hit 4 months. I’ve fed her, changed her, tried getting her to sleep with her normal patting/rocking (she doesn’t really have a drowsy stage normally so we’re working on that during daytime) and even out of desperation tried letting her nurse to sleep. Nothing works. She screams herself hoarse unless I turn on a light in which case she’s smiley and giggly as usual. But even that doesn’t keep her calm once 5AM hits.

There is no one thing that gets her to sleep in this situation. Tonight she fed to sleep (Update she woke up as soon as I put her back down). Last night it was randomly rubbing her back with the light on, which she normally doesn’t like. The night before it was changing her diaper. Night before that I passed out before she did while just holding her so I really have no idea how that happened.

I don’t know if I should call her doctor or what...but I refuse to let her CIO.