My son just turned 17 months and doesn’t say many words.

He only says dada but that’s only a few

times a week. He says brum brum and he can says mama but that’s not often and only occasionally when he’s really crying. He says cheese every so offen but he doesn’t say anything else. I do try to help with flash cards, baby tv, learning toys and repeating words to him. But he just laughs and giggles at me. Whenever my husband tries to say words he does the same to him, and sometimes runs away from him smiling. He doesn’t come to me when I call his name either. Whenever I call him to come to me he runs away from me.

He understands commands like stop it, and he does so when I tell him. He understands more, when I give him food or drink. He understands when I tell him not in your mouth if he tries to put something in his mouth. He doesn’t wave or clap his hands when I teach him. He likes actively playing with his toys and ball. He will kick ball towards me and his dad. Story time he doesn’t sit and listen I just read the story to him as he walks around the room.

I just would like some advice really and I will input any other info that is needed. Thanks in advance