love life help

hey! okay so my ex boyfriend birthday is coming up and his mom told me to plan a surprise birthday party...and I can't say no to anything so I said yea sure. so I started planning one with his mom and this other girl he likes ( I really don't know where there at) so as time went on he found out because someone the people couldn't keep their mouth shut. so he ended up finding out and texting me about how he was disappointed when he didn't see some of his friends on the list ( which they were, we only left out 1) he also usually takes my phone so I pretended to have a crush on this guy and texted "him" when it was actually me texting his mom about the details. and when he found out he got mad and jealous that Lied when he madeout with someone right after we broke up. I have no idea what to do. I want to tell him I don't think it's right to be friends but I want to be friends. and it's justconfusinf! help!!