Dream caused me to want to take a pregnancy test


Just to share:

I’m 10dpo/11dpo (I used OPKs and I peaked May 8th so Glow switched my predicted ovulation day to May 9, lines never really got lighter until PM on May 10th—-not sure if that matters but I’m making it matter to me to convince myself I’m not out yet lol)

Anyway, I had a dream this morning that I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Then all of the sudden ro turned positive. I took two more, both positive, then I was scrambling to find the digital under my sink (I’m waiting to use until I get a more noticeable positive in real life). Well taking these pregnancy tests in my dream all felt so real until I finally opened up the digital in my dream and it was an at home blood test that you pricked your finger to take you HCG levels like how diabetics test their blood sugar levels! It was still very vivid. Except before I even got to prick my finger, my alarm went off and I woke up.

So when I woke up, I decided to take a [urine] test... negative. Stark white negative, like not even a hint of a faint line. 😒

This is my second child and I got my positive 10 dpo with that pregnancy. I know every pregnancy is different, but I can’t help but feel discouraged and that I’m probably out this cycle. 😔

Thanks for reading & baby dust to all. ✨