Anyone TESTING this week after a transfer ??

Nidhi ttc #1

Is there anyone who is testing within a week? I am too nervous to test on Monday . Past 1 year while trying naturally or 2 iuis I was never this nervous and peed on many stick from 8 dpo. This time I know I am 11 dp3dpt that is 14dpo today but still not able to test. My bloodwork is on 26th so decided to test on 24th.

Please give me some strength to see about this

<a href="">IVF</a>

worked or ....


Is it for real?????? Is it happening really???

I thought of not testing till my BETA which is on 26th. But today I couldn't resist and tested with no pee hold , no morning urine and even after drinking water as it was not decided that I will be testing today . These are not sensitive test . But I am still happy to see something on this. I know it's early but after 2 misscarriages back to back last year from <a href="">IUI</a> never thought this day would ever come😭😭😊.