Recurrent implantation failure

After 2 retrievals and 2 failed transfers of tested embryos (both normal, 6AA, 5BB) my dr finally realized I have recurrent implantation failure-not just the balanced translocation he knew about. I have a consult, finally in person-and finally with my husband able to attend; but I don’t know what to expect. They haven’t done any work up for anything related to implantation failures, they just did the basics and a karyotype (the information we had previously said “fetus of *name of my mlm*” so for insurance purposes they needed it with my name).

I need hope, please someone tell me you managed to get pregnant after implantation failures. What did your retrieval process look like and what was the transfer process like?

**after second failed transfer dr recommended ERA-but I also have no embryos left so I am not sure what our plan is, I don’t know if I can handle a third retrieval physically without my job firing me (last retrieval resulted in moderate OHSS due to it being an aggressive protocol, but was able to do some level of virtual instruction, but with covid restrictions coming to an end, virtual is not an option any longer)