Fed up

I'm finally sick of it. I'm sick of feeling embarrassed every time I take off my clothes for my boyfriend. I'm sick of feeling ashamed of my body. I'm sick of not being able to wear the clothes I like because I'm too busy trying to hide my fat in oversized garments. I'm sick of feeling like shit, always being tired, having no energy. I've tried diets I've tried gyms and I always quit within a week. I think it's because I expect immediate results. I sick of doing this... I don't wanna look in the mirror anymore and be grossed out by what I see. I'm at my highest weight (about 230) at 5'6 and I'm realizing I need to change something. I have bad PCOS that could definitely be helped by me losing some weight. I get sick easily and often because I eat so poorly. I know what I need to do but idk how to get started. And most importantly idk how to stay on track once I do. Anyone else have a similar story?