Is anyone else still waiting for their cycle to come back?


My daughter is just over 17 months and still breastfeeds a LOT. My cycle still hasn’t returned and I’m assuming it’s because of the breastfeeding, but I don’t know how to go about weaning her. She always seems to be in the middle of a leap or teething and it’s all she really wants - I have a hard time getting her to eat much in the way of solids (she was great up til about 13 months), and she won’t drink milk from a bottle or cup (never really would). I’ve never really pumped. She very occasionally sleeps through the night but usually feeds at least once overnight, and many times during the day. A lot of the time I think it’s just for comfort. She won’t take a pacifier anymore.

I wouldn’t mind except we want to try for #2...

Any advice?