Toddler having pain (down there)


A little bit of back story… My son is 17 months old, he’s had 2-3 ear infections now (my 13 year old son got them as a baby constantly too and needed ear tubes)…

When he was born he was circumsized but it always looked a little off to me, almost like the skin around his penis head was choppy…anyway, you know how right after it’s done you’re supposed to pull the skin back and put Vaseline there, well his whole life we’ve continued to have to pull the skin back constantly or it reattaches. I never had to do this with my oldest son and his healed fine. His pediatrician has snapped it back for us when we asked him about it and showed us how to do it as well, he said it was common. Obviously I hate to do this because it causes him pain, but it ALWAYS seems to reattach itself. So at his last doctors apt a month ago I again asked his doctor about it, and was told just not to worry about it that as he gets older and grows it will pop and detatch itself.

Fast forward to last night little man felt kinda warm so I kept checking him through the night until he had a full blown fever then ended up reaching 104. (I was able to break with Tylenol) His doctor was out for the week so I took him to Urgent care first thing this morning assuming it was another ear infection.

The NP tried checking his ears but my son didn’t feel well and was hysterical fighting and crying…they said neither of his ears looked real bad…he said they were a little red but not inflamed or bulging like you usually see with infection. His throat was a little red as well. They said his ears could just be red because he was crying and suggested with a fever so high we tested for flu. He tested negative and we were sent home with antibiotics for his ears even though the dr didn’t even seem totally sold that’s what the issue was.

He started acting a little better this afternoon, having an appetite and wanting to play some. My fiancé was changing his diaper and he started freaking out crying like he was in pain. I asked his his butt was red or something and my fiancé said no. Then just now I was getting him ready for bed and went to change him again and he started screaming and would not let me wipe him. He was trying to close his legs and push me away. I gently tried to kind of examine him and he let em look at and under his balls so I don’t think it’s them, but he wouldn’t let me touch his penis at all. It (looks) normal as it usually does from what I can doesn’t appear red, but I couldn’t pull the foreskin back to expose his whole penis head so I’m not sure if it’s red or what that I can’t see. I feel so bad for him and now I’m wondering if there’s something going on down there that may be causing his fever. The fever just started last night and the freak out during diaper changed literally started today.

Anyone ever experienced any of this with their baby boys? Or know what it could be? I’ve got all these scenarios going on and google isn’t helping, wondering if his skin has reattached and now his penis is growing and pulling or if he’s got an infection inside it or what??? Any advice or suggestions welcomed. 😬