Early Pregnancy Symptoms


My fiancé and I have been trying to have a baby for a couple months now like actively trying. I would say 5 days after Ovulation I started spotting which I’ve never done before ever.

My expected period is in 5 days possibly 6. I had endometriosis so sometimes it was never normal but ever since surgery it’s been normal for the last 2 years.

I’ve been experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms that I don’t experience with a period.

Metallic Taste-Everything taste like metal to me

Smell of a bakery almost made me throw up

The other day

SORE BREASTS, SWOLLEN, tender breasts not just on top like a normal period would be on the bottom and sides. Sides would be my most complaint and sore nipples.

Blue veins all over my chest I’ve never had before


Some twinge pains right side pelvis

Vivid dreams which I rarely ever have

Needing to pee through the night which I never wake up to pee

Increased CM which almost looks lotiony

Some back pain that started last night

Increased thirst

Dry mouth

Nausea 24.7 morning calms down and at night it ramps back up

Heartburn I never get indigestion and now it’s happening frequently everyday

Are the signs of early pregnancy?. I’m in that TWO WEEK WAIT!