Should I reach out to my ex bff?😭

We fell out a year ago. I grieve that loss every day. Its physically hurts. We both were in the wrong, however I tend to carry guilt that isnt even mine to carry. I have wrote up a text in my notes but havent sent it yet. We did leave off on good terms. But I am confused as to where we stand. Last time we talked I told her I still loved her and never meant to end our friendship because of what transpired. She said she appreciated her time away to grow but would like to keep in touch and maybe even come to see my new apt (I had just moved at the time) i told her great! Let me know when she was free and she never reached out. Which i didnt expect. I ran into her a couple of times and would wave but she would put her head down or hide (she really hated confrontation) hhoweve all I wanna do is say hi. She also didnt tell me happy birthday (I know, petty, but my feelings were kind of hurt by that) The door was left open for possible reconnection, however there are so many conflicting signals. And I need closure. Does she want to rebuild the friendship? Or does she no longer want to speak? I want to know this so that I can respect her wishes by not reaching out, and move on from this pain of not knowing where we stand. Do you think I should message her? Our boyfriends are also BFFs, and I live w mine so when he comes to hangout it is just like an elephant in the room. Not to mention I still hear things about her from her bf that also send conflicting messages from what she has said to me. Help! And any advice on what to say would be appreciated bc I do not want to come off wrong at all.