what should i do?

please ignore the typos/grammatical errors, it’s been a long day and i’m just typing everything down

so i’m with my two best friends in nyc right now because i’m helping one friend move here and helping the other move back home in a few days. it has been fun even though it’s hot asf and there’s a shit ton of walking (plus carrying a ton of shit up and down 8 flights of stairs and no elevator). today was hard, i’m not a skinny person and i’m not fit. i get out of breath easily. i take a bit longer to do things and they’re annoyed about that. today we went somewhere and about 20 mins in my feet started to hurt really bad. i was wearing my friends shoes that they swore were comfy and they seemed fine at first, but i started to get huge blisters on the bottom of my feet right where all the pressure goes when i walk. excruciating pain hit me every time i moved. i had to walk for almost 3 hours after it started hurting on them because they still wanted to go and do stuff which is fine you know, but they kept getting mad at me for visibly and obviously being in pain. i want to do things and experience nyc for the first time, but i’m in so much pain now i cannot put any pressure on the blisters without wanting to cry. i’ve told them how much pain i’m in and i might have to take a bit tomorrow and not do a lot of heavy walking and they think i’m being dramatic. they’ve basically told me that they’ve had blisters before too and it’s not that bad. i don’t want to be mean or anything but they keep invalidating everything i say about me being in pain because “they’re just blisters”. what should i do? i’ve tried talking to them, i’ve tried telling them that i need to take tomorrow to just stay in the apartment and not move around a ton and make it worse because we have no medical supplies and i have huge open blisters covering huge parts of my feet. my friend i’m moving back home has plans with someone else tomorrow and my friend i moved here wants to go somewhere but i seriously don’t think i’ll be able to walk as much as they want to. they’re both so mad at me for something i cannot control and i’m not sure what to do considering i am 11 hours from home and we’re using their moms car (they’re siblings). i want to have a good time and enjoy the little vacation, but i’ve been told to stop complaining about being in pain because it’s “ruining it for everyone else”. i’m not trying to complain, but when their natural pace is practically running, i’m gonna ask if they can slow down a bit so we can enjoy stuff together you know? i don’t want to hold them back from anything ever, but i feel like they should understand at least a little bit where i’m coming from? idk what to do, any suggestions?