Should I go to the ER?

UPDATE- went to the hospital and it was a Sub. hemorrhage. Baby was still measuring well and had a strong heartbeat. 🙏🏻 because I am Rh negative I had to get another rhogam shot just to be on the safe side to the spotting. I am so happy I went in. Staying on pelvic rest and seeing my dr on Tuesday unless something comes up. Keeping my prayers high that this pregnancy prevails ♥️

—-I have a history of miscarriage along with a recent ectopic. I had ultrasound yesterday and baby looked good with a heartbeat at 6w3d. Last night husband and I didn’t “do the deed” but still had a little fun. I went to pee and had a little bit of a bright red blob come out. Besides that since last night I wipe and it’s a very settle spotting situation happening. I’m not having cramps aside from the pulling and cramp here and there I get everyday from being pregnant. It’s been about 12 hours and I’m still having minimal pink/red tint on my toilet paper. Not clots (knock on wood) yet. I’m not sure if I should head to the ER to check if that bright red blob was anything to fret about. I just saw my babies heartbeat yesterday so I’m just trying my best to stay in bed with my toddler and not freak til I figure out what to do🥺