I feel so bad now!

Hey guys so this is an update from my post this afternoon. So there's a guy in my class who doesn't talk. He started crying before when the teacher asked him to answer a question. He always sits by himself at lunch. Just a very shy kid. He tapped on my shoulder. I just said "Oh hey what's ups." He fumbled his words and then sped past me. I was very confused. I made my post during lunch and a few of you said he needed a friend. We graduate tomorrow so at first I thought it was bout that but on the bus ride home (everyone was chanting no more school lmao). I asked if I could sit with him. He just kinda shrunk away but nodded. I asked if I could sign his year book because he had it in his hand and he handed it to me. As far as I could see I was the only one who signed it beside 2 people. He was pretty quiet as usual so I just got on my phone and sent him a text on messenger and said "Would it be easier to talk if we just text?" He started turning really red and texted me back sure. It may seem stupid that we were texting while sitting next to each other but it was the only way he would talk. The bus takes us both to a different town so it was gonna be a bit of a ride. We just texted and I asked if he was excited about graduation and he said yes. I asked who all was coming to see him walk and he said nobody. Made me sad for him. He's apparently in foster care but is aging out next month. His mom is in Quebec where he's origin from. I was like "Oh you're Canadian." He goes "FRENCH Canadian." He said his mom made sure he could speak fluent french. After about 10 minutes into our text conversation he asked why I sat next to him and I told him it seemed like he wanted a friend and wanted to speak to me. He said that he thought I didn't really like him but wasn't sure. I asked why he thought that and he brought up something from 9th grade that I didn't even know he heard me say. I was very immature and mean in the 9th grade but I've matured these last 4 years. He heard me call him a school shooter. We had this antibullying assembly and I had told my friends that he is most likely our future school shooter. I feel so bad! Oh my god! I didn't realize I hurt his feelings or that he even heard me. He told me I seemed a lot nicer now than I was in the 9th grade and he promised his mom he would at least try to make friends but when he tried to talk to me he froze up and started wondering if I did just hate him. I apologized so much! He said it's ok. After that we talked more and when he got to his stop I said bye to him. I thoughts after texting for like 20 minutes he would be able to actually speak to me. He did try but just stuttered. Turned red again, covered his face and rushed off the bus. We texted a bit after he got off the bus too. I feel bad he has no family down here to come see him walk. And even worse that I hurt his feelings back in 9th grade. I hope it's not too late to make friends now🤗

Edit: Thx A for the idea to invite him to my graduation celebration! It's just a party outside at a park and a lot of my friends are coming. I texted asking if he wanted to join. He said he's not good I'm a crowd but he will try!