My boyfriend wants a break

My boyfriend told me today he wants a break because he is fed up with our back and forth bickering. We have been up and down for weeks now. One day he just started backing off and withdrawing and it just made me insecure feeling like it was me. We recovered from it but it hasn’t been the same. He just doesn’t seem like he cares anymore. He started smoking weed again and just seems so blah all the time now. For weeks I was frustrated and sad constantly telling him how I felt and that I feel like he hasn’t been there mentally and that we’re not really connecting. Now it just feels like I’m nagging him to be a way he just maybe doesn’t want to be anymore. Man I’m so sad. All I ever did was love the guy and be there for him. I’m not perfect but I’m loyal and true and have always made him my whole world. He’s honestly brought out the worst in me lately. I’m yelling and getting angry like I’ve never been before. He says I’m acting crazy but really I’m blowing up because and getting so mad because I care so much and it hurts and infuriates me to see him just not care so much anymore. He told me to just leave him alone and give him time to think. I will but I’m just so sad feeling like everything is my fault. He’s gotten really crazy on me and has called me names and done hurtful stuff but I’ve never given up and said I wanted time away but we have some bad weeks and I can’t seem to shake it off and now he’s so easily ready to check out. I’m so sad and want to text him and beg him for us to be okay but I’m also telling myself to be strong and not take on all the blame for our problems. I packed up some stuff and will stay at my sisters this weekend but how do I bare not being in contact with him? Ugh. I wish he would just see that I love him so much that’s why I act the way I do sometimes because I just want him to want me like he used to. Idk