TW - bleeding - need some advice pls


Ash • Married 💍

Hi ladies, i am currently 7 wks. History of ectopic pregnancies so have had a scan at 5.4wks to rule out ectopic. They saw sac and yolk sac but no heartbeat yet. Was told it was too early. Im due another scan on 2nd June. I have had bad nausea and constipation for days. As annoying as that was i was happy that it meant i was pregnant still as my symptoms have been increasing.

I just went for a number 2 and when i wiped i had a blob of red blood about as big as a 50p coin (or dollar coin for Americans). No clots as far as i remember. I wiped a few more times and it got lighter so not actively bleeding at the moment. Iv put on a sanitary towel so i guess ill see how the night goes.

In the UK we have a early pregnancy clinic who are doing my scans due to being high risk. They have told me unfortunately not much they can do if its a miscarriage and to just see if the bleeding picks up or settles down. Its also the bank holiday weekend here now meaning it may be harder to get a scan.

Any of you ladies had any bleeding but all turned out to be okay? If it was light pink or brown i wouldnt have been so worried but its red and was abit more than what i would call spotting.

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Are you positive it came from your vaginal and not your butt? Since you went #2, you could have just had a small tear from that. That’s usually bright red blood and nothing to be concerned about. Even if it was from your vagina, it’s probably not a huge concern atm. A lot of ladies have some spotting in the first trimester - just keep an eye on it. Wishing you the best♥️


Ash • May 29, 2021
It was definitely vaginal - im trying my best not to worry but i just dont have a good history with pregnancies! Thanks x


Posted at
I was just on the same boat as you. I got back from the ER a bit ago. I’m 6w4d today. I had a scan yesterday since I had a ectopic in February which required my right tube to come out. Baby looked good then in the middle of the night, I saw a bright red blob come out of me. No bigger than a quarter coin. I kept going to the bathroom through the night and was still spotting but nothing like what i used to have with my past miscarriages. Finally after I kept noticing pink spotting when I wipe after 12 hours I went to the ER. Saw my baby and the heartbeat. After blood work as well, they said it was a subchronic hemorrhage. Now I’m home on pelvic rest. Because I’m RH- blood type they did give me another rhogam shot just to be on the safe side. Now I’m happy I listened to my gut and went it. This pregnancy was already high risk, but my diagnosis did also say “threatened miscarriage” so I will be doing all I can til I am out of the danger zone. If you’re feeling cramping like your period is about to home, definitely go to the Er. Or if you want peace of mind than to wait it out. Good luck mama ♥️


Ash • May 29, 2021
Thanks! That makes me feel a little better. Glad your bab is doing well - make sure you get plenty of rest. I will see how i go through the day. This morning its turned to some brown spotting when i wipe only but will keep an eye on it and go in if it gets heavier etc