36 and trying. 😬😆


Me and my husband have been ttc for...I lost count of the years...7ish. We will be married 9 next month and we stated about 2 years after, so yea 7. 😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️

Anywho. I have PCOS and Endometriosis. I have had 2 confirmed miscarriages and several others that I think were - but didn’t get blood test because I got to a point that I didn’t want to know.

I broke my back almost 4 years ago and so while I haven’t been doing the ovulation tests, and meds - we weren’t trying, but also not not trying. You know? I started getting really down and depressed with not being able to conceive while all my friends were. I was told by my doctor that my only option was probably Invitro and that just wasn’t something that was really an option for us. Until this year my husband got a pretty nice bonus from his job, plus my bonus from my job, plus tax returns, and savings we were ready to go see a specialist and see what options we had.

2 months ago I went to a infertility specialist to discuss what our options were. With me turning 36 just last week and other factors, I just didn’t have high hopes (plus, it’s hard getting hopes up - just to have been repeatedly crushed month after month). She did blood work and ran some tests. She started me on metformin for my endometriosis (apparently it can help shrink it. 🤷🏼‍♀️), along with low carb diet. Blood work came back and actually turns out I have a blood disorder called 4g/4g - which apparently when trying to conceive can be difficult because my bloods forms to the embryos and basically cuts off blood flow/oxygen because of clotting. That being said I started taking a baby aspirin to help thin it out some and we tried timed intercourse with two meds.

I can’t test for couple more weeks, I’m trying to be hopeful but also not get my hopes up. Soo, after the long post - I am asking for prayers and also to not give up and see about what all tests can be done.

Prayers for you all!💞