This... This right here is why nobody tells my mom anything

My mom doesn't know how to keep anything private. She just blabs about your personal business. Nobody can come to her for anything. My brother knows that which is why he always comes to me. He's 15 now but when he was 12 he started having wet dreams and asked me about it. I had to do research but I was able to give him some information. Well on Facebook I see my mom made a post about doing my brothers laundry and noticing he had a wet dream... Talking about how he's finally going through puberty and is a man now.... She is friends with several of my brothers friends mom's on Facebook and just fucking why?! I reported her post and called her to yell at her for doing that. She said she was just trying to share such a special moment. I said "Mom he's been going through puberty since he was 12! He just doesn't tell you because you're a damn blabber mouth and can't hold water!" She hangs up on me and makes ANOTHER post about how it turns out it's not his first wet dream and kept his puberty a secret from her but she is still proud of him.... Ughhhh thank God my mom didn't have a Facebook when I got my first period