Day 3 😬


This suspense has been slowly killing me, not knowing if my little clutch will make it. However, they didn’t schedule me for a day 3 transfer yesterday, so I’m hopeful in their confidence that they may make it to blast. I should get a call this afternoon with an update, and possible transfer schedule.🤞🏼

I’m so glad that my body is pretty much back to normal. My fluids have finally shifted and I’m almost back to pre-retrieval weight. They were contemplating canceling my upcoming fresh transfer for a FET. I’m still a shell of myself, sort of hiding out until the smoke clears. Coming to life when the phone rings, as my heart skips a beat. 💗

Just thought I’d share a little bit of what I’m going through, and get it off my chest. Good luck to everybody, expecting the worst, but hoping for the best. 💝