Mother Daughter

Today my mother asked help in gardening I helped she showed me how she wanted the garden. I did literally what she asked and I asked her is this level of depth okay to plant now I suggested hey I think it should be deeper she said no it's fine.

I went away when I came back she pulled out all of the plants and re did everything

I couldn't believe it I got my hands dirty put in my time efforts planting

The worst part was, I helped her at the end and I planted a plant asked her which one she said pick anyone and I did I chose one I liked planted it and she dug it out chose what plant she wanted.

I told her what she did is bad parenting that if she doesn't like something to speak up tell me how to do something right or show me teach me as a parent show me. I told her that she made me feel like I wasted my time efforts for her to do all my work over again and to make me feel like I can't do anything.

She blamed me for things of past that everything is my fault parents aren't responsible for how adult children turn out.

What would you tell her?