Covid and 1st Trimester

So I had Covid in January. I had it so mild that I actually worked with it for a few days and my job in healthcare didn't think I needed to be tested. I got tested on my own because I wanted to visit family. Originally my only symptom was a stuffy nose and after I came back positive I lost my sense of smell.

My job pushed for us to be vaccinated and I got my vaccine in Feb and early March. My sense of smell has been so messed up and everything is off. In March/April things got really bad. I used to love onion and garlic and now it is like rancid nastyness. Almost all fruit except kiwifruit is like perfume and rotten.

I got pregnant in April and now I can't eat anything. I just want to vomit at any smell. Last pregnancy I didn't have this kind of food aversion. Nausea yes but like salt and pepper is the only seasoning I can handle. I think plain bread and pasta will be my only food.

I am so annoyed. I love eating and cooking. I got take out Pho and the broth was almost too flavorful for me. I had to eat it without any sides/toppings.