I found my brother...

My 16 year old brother ran out the house because of what he heard our mom say. Our mom has always been harder on me and I couldn't make less than an A while my brother could fail everything and she doesn't care. I make a mistake I get punished. He makes a mistake it's no big deal. I got 3rd in my class and I'm heading to college and she yelled at me for not being first. I told her how differently she treats us. And how she's misogynistic. She said it's not a gender thing and she's harder on me because I'm smart, and my brother is stupid and that I'm going to college where he will probably live with her until she dies. He heard it, got upset and started crying and left. My mom blamed me and told me to find him. I told her she caused the mess she can find him. But... He's my brother so I got in my car and went driving to find him. I was searching for over an hour and I found him at a park in the middle of the night with guys and they were drinking a large bottle of rum. I asked why he was drinking and he laughed and said "Because I'm so stuuuppppiiidddd!" I told him to get in the car and he said no. I told him again and this 16 year old stomped hit foot at me and said no. I told him he better get in the car or so help me god i will drag his drunk ass to the car in front of his friends and he crossed his arms and sat on the ground.... So I started dragging him and he fought me. He got out of my grip and before I knew it I'm chasing a drunk 16 year old around a park at 1am.... I finally got ahold of him because he started throwing up and I made him get in the car. He's drunk and I'm pissed and all of a sudden he starts crying again and said "I have no future." As mad as I am about the situation I told him he does and he's bawling saying he doesn't because he can't do anything right and no one thinks he's smart or believes in him .. not even our mom... I had spent a lot of time jealous and mad because he got better treatment... I know now it wasn't his fault. My mom treated me like shit but knew I was capable. She treated my brother amazing but also like he was an idiot... And we both ended up on the curb if quick trip drinking coffee...