Applying for a marriage license after being divorced

My boyfriend and I have start talking about getting married and he plans to pop the question in the next 6 months and we would get married in a year from now.

I’m divorced and pretty ashamed because I’m “young” to be divorced and it was a short marriage. Of course he knows about this but I’m having anxiety about having to go apply for a marriage license and having to show and talk about my divorce in front of strangers.

My question is, do I just fill out the paper and show them my divorce certificate or will they also ask a bunch of questions about the divorce out loud (like dates and where it took place). I remember when I got married we had to stand in a long line to get the license and if it’s the same case now, I really don’t want a bunch of people hearing about the #1 shame in my life. (And I have social anxiety on top of it).