He is annoyed 🙄

anonymous • 📢

Ok i clean everyday you know vacuum, keep toys organized well i try on that part lol i clean the kitchen so much thru out the day making breakfast, lunch snacks for our kiddos plus stuff for me you know when i get a chance to eat and whatever, my husband has been off work since Thursday I ended up getting my period Friday idk about any of you i get constipated really bad cramps back pain heavy flow just bad so i told my husband you know can you pick up some of the slacks for me im having a bad time at the moment I DO HELP im not letting him do everything lol BUT HE IS GETTING ANNOYED OF CLEANING ALOT my every day stuff and he said to me “ just because im on vacation doesn’t mean the house is on vacation do something “ like what i do help i shower the kids and make breakfast all i ask of you is to help me that’s all i get really bad pains i bend down i feel heavy stuff coming down so stop winning and help me i dont get annoyed when i do this EVERY DAY FROM THE MOMENT I WAKE UP TILL BEDTIME