Periods after weaning

Jenny • Married mum of 1 <3 🌈

Hello All, my little one will turn a year old next week 😯 I exclusively breastfed for 6 months and then began slowly reducing in preparation for going back to work when he was around 9 months. I had wanted to keep the bedtime feed but by then he had had enough ( 😞) Anyway, I have no idea what my boobs/body is up to anymore. I got my period back 3 months postpartum but then when I went back on the pill I had very irregular and painful periods for a few months (before baby the mini pill stopped my periods altogether). However, when I stopped breastfeeding everything changed again, which I expected.... but I feel like I’m having a period every two weeks. Sometimes it’s a couple of days of bleeding and sometimes it’s just one case of spotting. Almost always accompanied by EXCRUCIATING cramps and breast pain. Is this just my hormones going back to normal... months later? When I have a squeeze it takes a while but milk is still in there 🤔 I am reluctant to ask my doctor as so many times I’ve been told it’s just my period and no light is shedded on the matter. I feel quite in the dark about my body post-breastfeeding! Anyone else?