How did he not get it

I have herpes n me n my bf broke up recently n he finally went n got checked n he says he doesn’t have it. I tested positive earlier this year n he’s always known and has been ok with it says if he gets it then oh well so we have had unprotected sex like that even with my sores bc they never bothered me. He got one before I know it’s that on his penis n it was a sore for a week n the first days it burned him then it stopped after a couple of days. How does he not have it.????? I do take meds when I get a outbreak. Is it possible he actually doesn’t have it or they tested him wrong I’m so confused. We’ve been having sex for 7 months now

Update: his sis is a nurse n he said she tested him for herpes and took blood

Update2: He went Saturday n got the results the same day. She works at a family clinic. The first time I got tested was at a urgent clinic n it came back negative then I went to a gynecologist n there it was positive. So I’m like maybe she didn’t test him right or not the right test.? He said she took two tubes n it was for herpes. She didn’t tell me bc she’s mad at me over some things but he talked to me n told me. So idk it’s just so weird that almost a year having sex n I’ve had open sores inside n outside n he’s still had sex with me even ate me out.!! He was always ok with it. N yes the clinic is where she works at she’s a nurse there