Low heart rate

So let me start off by saying that I have ALWAYS had a high heart rate, been diagnosed with tachycardia. My resting heart rate is around 90-100.

So yesterday I was changing out my wall plates and stupid me was trying to move the outlet to make it fit and I shocked myself. It left no burn marks, it just woke me up! Lol - anyways it’s now a day later and my heart rate is super low for me. Last night while falling asleep my heart rate was at a low 60-65 and now today it’s around 75-80…i also took my bp and it’s in the normal range also, 120/80z I know this is in the normal range, but my heart rate is very concerning to me because it’s always been super high and now it’s on the lower end. Should I go to the doctor for this or just keep on eye on it?