Daycare and paci

Lisa 🎀🌸🤰 girl mama

Ok so I need some advice. My daughter still uses a paci for naps and bedtime. My original plan was to get rid of it before she turned 2 but with all her molars coming in that didn’t happen. So now my new plan and I will stick with it is to get rid of it the long weekend of 4th of July. We aren’t going anywhere so I will make use of a 3 day weekend.

Here is my problem. She started daycare today. Do I send the paci for nap? She is doing half days until Thursday. I highly doubt she will nap without it but at the same time do I make it a no paci place and just run with it. Is that too much change at once. What’s a month more of paci use at daycare.... I’m torn and wondering if anyone has dealt with this issue.