My second unmonitored IUI out of 3 failed 😞

So I had my very first

<a href="">IUI</a>

last summer which was successful unfortunately it ended in a mc(6th mc)... FF>> to October I experienced my 7th miscarriage 2 days after seeing the heartbeat 😞 Since then I’ve had 2 IUIs and absolutely nothing!!!

I’m hurt mentally and physically because I can’t give my husband a family that he wants. He has been with me through this journey for 9 long years and has not given up on me. I’ve been with 2 RE, had boocoos of labs to see if we could answers as to why we kept miscarrying and everything came back normal. I do have a fibroid in my uterus that’s 1.9 cm and the RE says that has nothing to do with sustaining a pregnancy... I’m just lost for words, I feel like a failure because my body isn’t normal like others, both of our siblings have kids and it seems every time I go somewhere someone’s pregnant and jealous because it’s not me. I plan to lose weight as I’m 5’7 weighing in at 188.... this is horrible. I just feel like I’ve let myself go 😩

I just want to cry 😭