TTC Timeline question

Okay. So. My husband and I officially stopped using protection in November. That being said, due to multiple factors there have actually only been about 2-3 months where we were BD more than once a week/every other week. He seems SO anxious to start TTC and yet it’s like we barely have sex most months (his job is such a toxic work environment and I think he is honestly developing depression or at the very least low libido as a result 😞).

So, as for my question, would Nov 2021 be the one year mark? Or would those months where we barely had sex (and many times not even anywhere close to ovulation) not count? When do you actually start the clock of “trying for one year” before seeking help? Once in a while sex doesn’t seem like actively trying...

Fingers crossed hubby gets a new job soon so that we can actually have sex more than 2-3 times a month. Gotta BD to have a baby after all haha.