
Went in for scan last week and only found sac no yolk or fetal pole, hcg around 4000. Dr said it could be early but more convinced I'm going to suffer a loss, is he allowed to say that at such an early stage of unknowing? I've read loads of threads now on sacs just being found this early on and a week or two later finding baby fluttering away but the thought keeps niggling of what the Dr said. I know I was early at the scan around 4 weeks and 4 or 5 days, not even 5 weeks yet 🤷‍♂️ repeat scan tomorrow and I'm so nervous to go back in case I end up with another piece of my heart shattering away, I really thought this was it for us, dared even talk about it since incase I 'jinx' anything 🥺🤰🌈