Upper stomach pain cause for concern?

Hey guys! So I’m 29 weeks, and i was having some stomach issues that started yesterday around dinner time. My stomach was so tight from Braxton Hicks I couldn’t eat. We went to bed and the Braxton Hicks continued. I woke up at around 5 am this morning with the sharpest pain in the top part of my stomach. No matter which way I lay it wontstop. I tried looking up online what it would be and it said I might just be having gas, so I went to the bathroom a couple times to see if that would help, but it has now been six hours and the pain in still there anytime I move to do anything. Has anyone else experienced this ? I was at the ER only a couple days ago for fainting and all of my blood work came back really good so I cantimagine why I could possibly be in so much pain.